Room of Mirrors

Installation with mirrors, in:

 “Festival Fribourg-Chelyabinsk”, Monolith, Chelyabinsk (RU), 1996

 “Diesen Augenblick erblickt dein Aug’ nur eimnal”, Museum of Art, Olten (CH), 1993

 “Der Zuschauer: Sehen und Gesehen werden”, Museum of Design, Basel (CH), 1990

 “Diplomes ESAV”, Geneva (CH), 1988

 Fotos: Nika Spalinger


If we stick our head out through one of the holes we see ourselves refIected continuously in the mirrors which cover the walls of the narrow space which our head occupies. And for the persons with their head in the next hole, they will find themselves drowned in a sea of faces, which are uncomfortably close, sending back to him, like an endless echo, the expression of his own face.


Festival Fribourg -Tchéliabinsk, 1996