Travel Agency, Biel

Interactive Multi-Media Installation in:

“I need you!”, PasquArt, Biel 2004

Fotos: Nika Spalinger


Blue and white striped “tent”. Guests are guided on their personal journey by headphones and audio guide. Afterwards they describe and sketch it on the blank postcards. In front of the “tent” narrations of other travellers (monitor, headphones).

The Travel Agency installation has been developed in the course of extensive research in the relationship between art and tourism. It provides the occasion for experiencing the “inner cinema”, which is constantly running in us, but which is mostly covered by the perception of the complex external environment. It shows how our unconscious bases itself on images of advertisement, art and memory, and how little we are aware of it.”

Text: Beate Engel

Publikation I need you, PasquArt Biel 2004